
Hose Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolKindness and Consideration • Equality and Fairness • Determination • Honesty • Forgiveness • Doing your Best


Welcome to

Hose Church of England

Primary School

Kindness and Consideration • Equality and Fairness • Determination • Honesty • Forgiveness • Doing your Best


Welcome to Hose Church of England Primary School’s website, whether you are a new parent, a prospective parent or someone who has known us for a long time.

Hose Church of England Primary School is a wonderful school and, as Headteacher, I feel very privileged to have the opportunity to work here. The school has been incredibly important to my own family and was the first choice for both our children when looking for a school place all those years ago.

 We are a small, close knit team, who are all passionate in providing an inspiring and safe environment with the highest quality teaching and support. This enables each one of our children to fulfil their potential and achieve success. In our most recent Ofsted report, inspectors identified that ‘Hose Church of England Primary School is a welcoming and nurturing school’, and went on to say ‘This nurturing ethos permeates throughout the school, resulting in pupils being happy and safe.’

Our website aims to give you a flavor of what we offer, to help you decide on a school in the first instance and also to provide the basis for establishing the partnership between parents, carers and school.

At Hose Church of England Primary School, we believe our purpose is to open the door to the world beyond our village and prepare and support the development of our children into confident, passionate and inquisitive citizens.  

As a church school we have links with our local Church, St Michaels and All Angels and provide rich learning opportunities which reflect on all aspects of faith. We are also a school at the heart of a village community and as such welcome children and families from all faiths and with differing world views. Our ethos and values are based on our Christian Vision and underpin all that we do and expect of our children and each member of our school community. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord.”

As a team, we are constantly striving to develop our provision in order to have the best teaching, the most welcoming environment, a curriculum which is relevant and exciting and a wealth of activities which develop the whole child. I am incredibly proud of the hard work that has gone into the development of our school by our pupils, staff, parents and Governors. This combines to ensure we have a school which we can all be rightly proud to be part of.

We welcome visits to the school from families looking for the best education for their children. Please do get in touch with the office to make an appointment or join us on our annual open evening where we would be delighted to share our success and introduce you to the family of Hose Church of England Primary School.


Thank you for visiting our website!


Mrs Lianne Hough


Open Event Presentation - Celebrating Progress Since February 2023


Our Governing Body hosted a very successful Open Event on the 17th of May to provide an update on the progress made following our recent Ofsted Inspection in February 2023 and subsequent report, which was published in May 2023. The document below contains the presentation slides which were used to stimulate discussion on the many improvements made and to share the work that has been happening behind the scenes to ensure we continue to make rapid progress against our targets. We shared our strategic vision for moving the school forward and a range of ways our community can continue to support with this. Please do get in touch if you would like further information on any of the aspects within the presentation. 
