The purpose of our curriculum at Hose Church of England Primary School is to open the door to the world beyond our village for our children. We want children who leave Hose Primary School to be full of knowledge and wonder for the world they live in and ready to take on challenges with confidence and pride.
In history, geography and science we have developed our own 'home grown' curricula in order to ensure topics and themes studied are relevant to the needs of our children and context. Subject specific golden threads have been identified which are revisited across year groups to broaden children's understanding of key concepts and big ideas. Core knowledge is identified for individual topics and revisited in a variety of ways to support children's acquisition of knowledge and skills. We are ensuring children know more, remember more and make links with prior learning and have the opportunity to consolidate their thoughts and ideas.
In subjects where we are using educational schemes to support learning, we have researched and chosen those that fit closely to our developing curriculum principles. Staff have then worked to adapt them to meet the needs of our very specific context of small mixed age classes and to ensure they compliment the work undertaken in other subject areas.
Our school curriculum is aligned with Ofsted’s framework for outstanding education, prioritising knowledge acquisition, skills development and responsible citizenship, thus preparing our children for a fulfilling future in an interconnected world. For more detail of the Intent, Implementation and Impact of our planned curriculum please see the relevant subject policies within the subject pages.
If you would like further information about our curriculum and the developments we are working on then please speak to your child's class teacher or the Head Teacher. You can also click on the links below to take you to individual subject pages to see long term plans and progression documents.