
Hose Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolKindness and Consideration • Equality and Fairness • Determination • Honesty • Forgiveness • Doing your Best


Welcome to

Hose Church of England

Primary School

Kindness and Consideration • Equality and Fairness • Determination • Honesty • Forgiveness • Doing your Best


We have taken a home grown approach to our History curriculum at Hose Church of England Primary School. Staff have collaborated to produce a two-year rolling programme of study which covers all of the objectives set out for History from the National Curriculum. 

We have identified subject specific 'Golden Threads' which tie our History curriculum together across year groups and ensure that concepts and ideas are revisited as children move through school and deepen their knowledge and understanding. These are Diversity, Settlement, Conflict and Invasion and Transportation.   By including opportunities for continual retrieval of facts and information we are supporting our children to know more and understand more, and supporting them to make deeper links across a range of subjects. 

History Curriculum Policy

Historical Knowledge and Skills Progression Documentation

Example Medium Term Planning Overview
