
Hose Church of EnglandPrimary SchoolKindness and Consideration • Equality and Fairness • Determination • Honesty • Forgiveness • Doing your Best


Welcome to

Hose Church of England

Primary School

Kindness and Consideration • Equality and Fairness • Determination • Honesty • Forgiveness • Doing your Best


Mathematics teaching at Hose Church of England Primary School is supported by the use of a scheme of learning created by White Rose Maths. We use the yearly overviews to adapt units and tailor teaching and learning to the needs of mixed age classes. Through the use of their materials teachers plan engaging and exciting maths lessons which are progressive and coherently planned to ensure all pupils make progress and achieve success, regardless of their starting points. 

We are working alongside our local Maths Hub to further develop the five 'Big Ideas' of Maths Mastery, which are Coherence, Representation and Structure, Mathematical Thinking, Fluency and Variation to further support our pupils to deepen their knowledge and develop their skills to become confident and successful mathematicians. 


Our mixed-age, long-term planning documentation below highlights the breakdown of small steps planning to give a flavour of the steps for each unit. Teachers are then able to refer to the detailed Scheme of Learning for each unit for  further detail and suggested activities and resources that may be used. 

Teachers will make use of formative assessment strategies and their deep knowledge of individual children to decide how long to spend on each small step. Learning will be adapted in relation to the needs of each child/group as appropriate. In this way we are able to be responsive to the needs of the learner and to fill gaps in learning as they may become apparent. 

White Rose have further developed their overviews for mixed age classes to support whole class teaching. They continue to include full national curriculum coverage for each year group, with a clear step-by-step progression throughout each block. The small steps are revisited the following year, however, questions and activities set by teachers ensure they are tailored to individual year groups and adapted for the needs of the cohort and range of starting points. We will be moving to using these overviews to plan our maths teaching in August 2024. See below for an example long term overview for our Year 5 and 6 Class. 
